Monday, June 9, 2008

WOW! It's only been a week since Daddy has been gone and we miss him so very much. We talk to him briefly every other day. He's so busy. Please keep him in your prayers. The girls are doing good being back home. Mady had a play date with her good friend Sierra today. That made her day. Chloe went to Aaron's house for a playdate. It was nice I only had one child at a time today! I need those breaks once in awhile. I'm slowly but surely getting the house all unpacked. Moving back into the house you moved out of is very interesting. I'm doing things a lot different now. A new beggining! We went to our old Church on Sunday, Calvary Chapel Valley Springs and it was great. The girls did real well getting back into the routine. Thank you everyone for welcoming us back! We have missed you. VBS is next week and the girls are soooooooo excited. I'm doing the nursery. It should be real fun. I can get my baby fix.

Here's a funny Mady story for you. Mady said "look Mom I have a new freckle, I must be obeying". There is a story behind that one. It was real cute. Brett told Chloe and Mady that you get freckles from Obeying and Chloe said "THAT'S NOT FAIR" obviously she does not have any freckles. Now Mady thinks that's how she gets new freckles. What can I say Brett is a stinker. He makes us all laugh. (We miss you Daddy)


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! We'll be praying for your husband while he's gone and for you while you hold down everything at home! There are good days and bad, but just remember to let people help you! If they offer, they WANT to... no one expects you to do everything on your own! Sounds like you have a great support with your church which is AWESOME! I will be following along with your beautiful family!!

Charity said...

Hi Carrie!!! I love your blog! Your girls are getting so big! I didn't realize that Brett was gone already, I guess I thought he was leaving in August. I will be praying for you guys. We would love to see you all. Maybe we can plan a little trip this summer. Too bad gas prices are so high, it causes a little bit of a draw back in going anywhere. We are loving our baby girl and are just amazed by all of the blessings that a child brings. Talk to you later. Love, Charity